Don’t know why I try to reach out.

Every time I pull back my hand,

My fingertips are scorched

Burnt by the rejections of so many

Lovers change their minds

Parents neglect their duties

Even God has, on so many occasions,

Turned his or her proverbial back on my tears

All supposedly for my own good.

I am left to fend for myself

As the sudden stench of bullshit hits my nose.

It makes me ill,

But not as ill as the people that profess to love me

But constantly let me fall and help me fail

So I sit back, smoke a square

And prepare to grasp at branches and ropes,

Loosely tied to some sort of slightly solid ground

So I can climb back to the top. Alone.






            Who you are and what you are

What you have learned and what you have taught

            To love others and yourself

That you are no better than anyone else,

            Or no worst, for that matter



The people that have come before you and those that will follow.

That the struggle then, now and in the future is a continuum,

So don’t be afraid of failure, for it is natural



            That wisdom is passed down,

So listen to the voice that annoys you the most,

For it is that sound that will someday save your life




            To love with your whole heart,

Because any other way is incomplete.




Sometimes I think there is a direct correlation between getting my heart broken and writer’s block.

There is a definite need to express the pain that I feel, yet no words can describe the tearing, searing pain of rejection.

Wait. That works.



My heart is torn from its place in my chest, and you laugh at me as I fall to the ground.

Waiting to wake up or hoping for a fast painless death.

Anything is better than heartbreak.


You know that heartache is bad when you can actually feel your chest cave in

And there is nothing you can do or say

You just sit there, on your knees

Looking at your blood-soaked hands

Truly amazed and disturbed by your lack of heartbeat.








You tell me to write you something beautiful, but it’s so hard to do because you won’t fit on this page.

We won’t fit on this page.

The greatness that is you, the blood that pumps through your heart, that makes you who you are, it won’t flow through this pen.

The passion that is us

The fire that consumes us

That moves us

Would burn holes in my rhyme books and blow circuits on my laptop.

The love that I feel for you cannot be put into mere words and the love I see in your eyes won’t fit between these lines.

Beauty is us.

It is the way we move together

The way we feel

The way we fit together

So I cannot write you something beautiful…. today.



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